Archive for July, 2015

29 July 2015

Screams, Dreams, Psyche and Pilgrimages / FMRL on Earlid

An in-depth response to F.M.R.L. and an interview in which my voice appears transformed, disconnected and reconnected, are now available on Joan Schuman’s Earlid. Featuring screams, dreams, psyche and pilgrimages:
[This is probably the first time when my senseless nervous laughter makes some sense…]

10 July 2015

F.M.R.L. at Café OTO, 20 July 2015

The evening will feature responses to, remixes, readings and re-readings of F.M.R.L. by Christian Patracchini, Colin Potter, David Toop, Elaine Mitchener, Georgia Rodger, James Wilkes, Patrick Farmer+Trevor Simmons, Richard Skinner, Rie Nakajima, Salomé Voegelin, SJ Fowler.



This event is the fourth and last in the reFMRL series, that challenges the conventional format of the book launch to work instead with the book as material presence, and to enhance the polyphonies that inhabit and form F.M.R.L.

Christian Patracchini’s practice explores a code of gestures that investigate their potential and modes of existence in relation to their own privation.

Colin Potter is a sound & recording engineer and performer who has been working with unusual music and noises for over 30 years, both solo and as a member of various ensembles, most notably Nurse With Wound.

David Toop is a composer/musician, author and curator who has worked in many fields of sound art and music, including improvisation, sound installations, field recordings, pop music production, music for television, theatre and dance.

Elaine Mitchener is a vocal artist working with improvisation/sound-text & movement.

Georgia Rodger’s works often stage the act of making as a performance, exploring this as a mediation between body and tools.

James Wilkes writes poetry, scripts for performance, and criticism. He has collaborated widely with scientists, artists, composers and poets, and is Associate Director of Hubbub, an international interdisciplinary team exploring the dynamics of rest, noise, tumult, activity and work as residents of the Hub at Wellcome Collection.

Patrick Farmer and Trevor Simmons are thinking of writing about, and drawing, even-toed ungulates.

Richard Skinner is a novelist, poet and Director of the Fiction Programme at Faber Academy.

Rie Nakajima works with sound and space applying kinetics and found objects.

Salomé Voegelin’s curatorial and writing practice is concerned with listening and hearing as a socio-political practice; her artistic practice involves sound and text works in collaboration with David Mollin.

SJ Fowler is a poet, artist, curator & vanguardist working across text / sound / performance.